
Matrix Digital Rain in a single JavaScript file

I recently recreated the Digital Rain from the Matrix in JavaScript.

I’ll link the repo here, but also paste the entire file below for you to checkout.

Just know that I won’t update this blog post, so the code in the repo might be newer than the code below.

Here’s a picture:

Matrix Digital Rain

Here’s the code:

#!/usr/bin/env node

// Hi! This is the Digital Rain from the film The Matrix.
// This is meant to be run in a terminal.
// My name is Tom and I wrote this. You can visit my website at tomontheinternet.com
// You are free to change this code, copy it, claim you wrote it, etc. I hope you have fun
// and maybe even learn something.

 * CHARACTERS is a list of characters that will be randomly selected from.
 * These characters look like the ones from the matrix, but you can use whatever you want.

 * SECRET_MESSAGE is a message that will sometimes appear in rain.

 * TICK_TIME_IN_MS is how often the next set of letters will appear. 80 milliseconds feels
 * right to me.
const TICK_TIME_IN_MS = 80

 * terminal is a helper object that provides some functions for writing to the
 * terminal.
const terminal = {
  move: (x, y) => process.stdout.write(`\x1b[${y};${x}H`),
  write: (str) => process.stdout.write(str),
  clear: () => process.stdout.write("\x1b[2J"),
  colors: {
    green: () => process.stdout.write("\x1b[32m"),
    white: () => process.stdout.write("\x1b[37m"),
  cursor: {
    show: () => process.stdout.write("\x1b[?25h"),
    hide: () => process.stdout.write("\x1b[?25l"),

function randomInt(min, max) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min

 * randomCharacter returns a random character from the CHARACTERS string.
 * This is used to generate the rain.
function randomCharacter() {
  return CHARACTERS[Math.floor(Math.random() * CHARACTERS.length)]

 * makeRainColumn generates a column, which is a list of characters,
 * a head position (how far has the rain drop traveled), and a startIn value
 * that acts as a delay.
function makeRainColumn(height) {
  const chars = Array.from(Array(height)).map(() => randomCharacter())

  // 1 in 20 chance of a rare column
  const rare = randomInt(1, 20) === 1
  if (rare) {
    const buffer = randomInt(1, 10)
    for (let i = 0; i < SECRET_MESSAGE.length; i++) {
      chars[i + buffer] = SECRET_MESSAGE[i]
    chars[randomInt(0, height - 1)] =
      SECRET_MESSAGE[randomInt(0, SECRET_MESSAGE.length - 1)]

  return { head: 1, startIn: randomInt(1, 150), chars }

 * tick moves the rain down one row and draws the next character in the column.
 * If the column is at the bottom of the screen, it start removing characters
 * from the top.
function tick(rainColumns) {
  for (let colIdx = 1; colIdx <= rainColumns.length; colIdx++) {
    const rainColumn = rainColumns[colIdx - 1]

    // this is to make the rain start at different times
    // there is a startIn delay that we slowly remove
    if (rainColumn.startIn > 0) {

    const headHasLeftScreen = rainColumn.head > process.stdout.rows

    if (headHasLeftScreen) {
      // if the head has left the screen, we start removing from the tail
      terminal.move(colIdx, rainColumn.head - process.stdout.rows)
      terminal.write(" ")
    } else {
      // if the head has not left the screen
      // we move to the head and draw a white character
      // Also, we turn the previous head green if it exists
      terminal.move(colIdx, rainColumn.head)
      terminal.write(rainColumn.chars[rainColumn.head - 1])
      terminal.move(colIdx, rainColumn.head - 1)
      if (rainColumn.head - 2 >= 0) {
        terminal.write(rainColumn.chars[rainColumn.head - 2])

    const headHasJustLeftScreen = rainColumn.head === process.stdout.rows + 1
    if (headHasJustLeftScreen) {
      // make sure the bottom character is also set to green
      terminal.move(colIdx, process.stdout.rows)

    // this section handles randomly changing characters
    // it's a bit hacky, but works fine.
    const random = randomInt(1, process.stdout.rows * 4)
    if (
      random > 0 &&
      random < process.stdout.rows &&
      random < rainColumn.head - 1 &&
      random > rainColumn.head - process.stdout.rows
    ) {
      terminal.move(colIdx, random)

    // advance the head

    const rainHasFullyLeftScreen = rainColumn.head > process.stdout.rows * 2
    if (rainHasFullyLeftScreen) {
      // create a new rainColumn for this column
      rainColumns[colIdx - 1] = makeRainColumn(process.stdout.rows)

 * handleExit listens for the user to press the "q" key or ctrl-c and then
 * exits the process.
function handleExit() {

  process.stdin.on("data", async (key) => {
    const value = key.toString().trim()

    if (value === "q" || value === "\u0003") {
      terminal.move(0, process.stdout.rows)

 * handleResize listens for the user to resize the terminal and then redraws
 * the rain.
function handleResize(rainColumns) {
  process.on("SIGWINCH", () => {
    rainColumns.length = 0
    for (let i = 0; i < process.stdout.columns; i++) {

 * main starts the program.
function main() {
  // rainColumns is an array of objects that represent each column of rain.
  // This is the state of the program.
  const rainColumns = Array.from(Array(process.stdout.columns)).map(() =>


  setInterval(() => tick(rainColumns), TICK_TIME_IN_MS)
