
About Tom



Here is a photo of me on my roof:

Hi. I'm Tom. Working on my roof.

I’m a senior, fullstack web software developer living in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada (about an hour from Toronto).

I work across the stack in frontend, backend and infrastructure. I have experience leading developers, working solo, collaborating across teams… you name it.

I grew up in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. It was a good place to grow up, but it was cold.

I have a Masters of Education. For a decade I taught English at the college level in South Korea and Canada. In my 30s I taught myself software development and this was one of the best decisions of my life.

I’m living the dream.

Technologies I know

Used in this site

But I also know


This site was built by me. I’m using Hugo as the static site generator. The design and theme are all me, for better or worse.

Get in touch

Email me at tom@tomontheinternet.com if you have any questions or opinions on anything on this site. I love it when people reach out!